Why I Won't Mind If You Call Me Judgmental

Macey Malone
4 min readMay 4, 2021

Being judgmental doesn’t mean being a bad person

Photo by Keira Burton from Pexels

If there’s anyone in your life who says that they don’t judge then they are lying through their teeth. Everyone judges and everyone says that they don’t. I am one of those people who is not vocal about things but I will tell you that I judge and my friends are not too happy about it. I mean if someone is visibly being inconsiderate to others then, of course, I will judge them and I will judge them hard. But that is not it. Most people judge for various reasons and I am here to tell you that just because they judge, they are not bad.

There is a negative meaning associated with passing judgments. The truth is that our judgment can always be used for both good and bad situations. However, keeping a positive intention can give us a path toward making a better version of ourselves.

In the present society, there is little room for criticism. Most people avoid their flaws by calling others ‘judgemental’ especially when someone tries to point something out. This has become a huge issue in today's society especially when people don’t see the problems of accepting flaws like it’s nothing.



Macey Malone

Traveler. Thinker. Writer — Seeking knowledge in the world of writing